Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Need to be Loved...

I listened to Jean Vanier on CBC radio yesterday; he is the founder of L'Arche (an organization that aids individuals with developmental disabilities). When asked in the interview what he has learned about human beings over the years since founding L'Arche, he says he's learned that the greatest human desire is not for control, power, hunger, sexuality, etc; the most basic human desire is for love. He went on to say that he has also learned that God's greatest desire is also to be loved. He used the illustration from the end of the book of John, where Jesus asks Peter three times, " you love me.." Imagine: God's desire is not for power, wealth, etc...the God of Heaven and Earth desires as we do, to be loved...could we even take it further and say that God needs our love, as we need the love of others?


The MacKinnons said...

I think you are right, and it is such a cool thought, to think that if we are in fact made in God's own image...and if needing love is such a deep need in us...that it is quite possible and likely so that God Himself also needs and wants love...our love. This is how we can 'repay' Him (not that He erquires it, but just enjoys it)for His wonderful love and amazing grace...just by loving Him back with our worship and thanks..and when possible with our lives...

The MacKinnons said...

...since Stephen's message on Sunday I have been rethinking this...I still think that God probably wants our love...but how awesome to think - and I believe this to be true - that God really doesn't - even can't - think about Himself ("Love is not self-seeking") and that we exist to be loved by God, not to love Him...and if anything this is what He wants...that we know His love.